In May, the Blue-Pink Center for Women’s Health, in collaboration with the World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition (WBCPC) invites everyone around the world to join the community in raising bladder cancer awareness. Bladder cancer has recently climbed to become the 9th most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world. Over 610,000 people receive a bladder cancer diagnosis every year. When diagnosed early, bladder cancer is highly treatable, with survival rate as high as 90%.
Bladder cancer is often regarded as the forgotten cancer and what many don’t know is that early diagnosis offers people a higher chance of successful treatment and long-term survival. We need to get people talking about this important fact and the most important sign to look out for. World Bladder Cancer Awareness Month in May 2024 is a chance for us to do exactly that.
This year’s campaign deliberately highlights the delay in acting by focusing on the time it takes people to act with a ‘test your reactions’ game called ‘Spot the Drop’. We invite you to play the game here and share it with your network, helping us raise bladder cancer awareness around the globe.

During Bladder Cancer Awareness Month 2024 we invite people to interact and share the important message that drives awareness around speaking to a healthcare professional as soon as possible if they spot blood in their urine, even if they feel unsure. The key element of WBCPC’s 2024 campaign will continue to be “The Unsure Icon”, reflecting the uncertainty around bladder cancer, its symptoms, and the importance timely diagnosis.
This year, WBCPC is advising: Feeling unsure? Get Checked.
Explore the campaign toolkit to discover the campaign and how you can contribute in your community whether you have a minute or more time to share on the Bladder Cancer Awareness Month page.
For further information or enquiries, leave your comments below or reach out to us at our Lagos center. You can also send an email via